
原作:遠藤達哉(集英社「少年ジャンプ+」連載中)のアニメ『SPY×FAMILY』公式サイト。Season 3 2025年10月より放送開始 Season 1・Season 2 各プラットフォームにて配信中
MISSION:9 ラブラブを見せつけよ
#9 あらすじ
- Those torpedo slaps from Yor were absolutely brutal LMAO
- The animators of this show really go out of their way to make one person hitting another person the hardest, most visceral shit you’ll ever see in your goddamn life
- That fork scratching Yuri’s cheeks was animated wonderfully, it’s like the minute Yor gets drunk animators start going berserk.
- The scariest part of this episode of this episode was that breakfast made by Yor. It was heroic for Loid and Anya to even try to eat it.
- I was wondering why they’re showing the leftovers and felt weird when they show the fishbones. I didn’t mind it thinking it was some sort of cuisine, it didn’t clicked until it was mentioned that Yor cooked it.
- “Give me back my excitement!”
- The moment Anya tried to help with the relationship when she read Loid’s suspicion definitely gave it a more emotional impact
- I died when she stepped onto the bus.
- Not just her pose, that strained ‘Oui’ reply just melted my heart too. It should be illegal for a character to be this adorable lol
- Smol person problems!
- Nothing beats bonding with your wife like bugging her and following her every action as she works her day job.
- Oh so when Loid does it, it’s cute and understandable but when I do it, I have the cops called on me
- Your not a spy tho
- Loid didn’t get caught, be sneakier next time.
- Loid above being a good spy is a good person.
- Yor is pure when even I end up feeling guilty for Loid for ever doubting her.
- Loid reassuring Yor after bugging her was so wholesome. He could’ve easily just ignored it but chose to advice her instead.
- And when Twilight saying that it’s tiring to play a role the whole time, it hurts. It came from somewhere deep in him, and it hurts.
- For a second, I was thinking “damn, Franky is kinda hot without glasses” until Loid ripped off his face LOL
- Loid didn’t let him enjoy his glow up.
- “Don’t develop any unnecessary feelings for her…” Way too fucking late for that dude.
- Just look at that slight blush when Yor compliments him!
