- Ah yes, Yoga….
- It was hilarious how the rest of the animal group backed away after Yor took the leader down. This show has a really nice comedic timing lol.
- I love how Loid a super smart spy just accepts it.
- He just can’t see the clues when it comes to his “fake” family!
- This episode convinced me the necessity of keeping 3 full suits on you at all times to break into the upper class social circles.
- In College, I kept a spare set of clothes in my car just case something happened at a party or friends place…Does this mean I too am Elegant?
- You are elegant indeed, very upper class.
- “You’re not elegant You’re VERY ELEGANT”
- “They FREAKING NAILED the headmaster such a beautiful job on the voice acting this episode absolutely ELEGANT”
- Yeah, I was concerned with how he was going to speak Elegant, which I have to accept he nailed it and spoke it very elegantly.
- “What is your father’s profession?” “He’s a sp—splendid doctor!”
- A truly elegant recovery, Miss Forger.
- Really love the humor of this series where characters can’t see the secrets even if it accidentally slips out a bit.
- “What percentage do you rate your parents?
Anya: 100%. I want to be with them forever.
That’s the moment when Loid’s barrier finally breaks.”- Loid clearly cares, it’s in the little details, and I absolutely love the moments when his character breaks.
- But I also do like when he holds himself back enough for the sake of the mission, both that & his family are equally important to him.
- Test: It is currently 11AM. What time will be two hours after the current time?
- Anya’s answer: “Time”
- It’s not wrong.
- I love Anya’s adorable bluntness.
- With that handwriting, Anya could become a doctor when she grows up.
- Damn that bastard interviewer making Anya cry, especially after her hopeful and loving “wanting to be together forever” declaration too.
- Anya cry = entire sxf community cry
- Swan is a legitimate a-hole. Who the heck asks that question to a child?! Deservedly punchable.Elegant episode, nonetheless
- Yeah, he’s unprofessional as fuck.
- And a sexist pig on top of that. No wonder he only got this job through nepotism.
- Someone who got where they are based on their family accomplishments.
- Someone has no idea how close to death he was there.
- Those finger cracking noises…. That fat bastard was VERY close to death. Especially after Anya just said she loves her family so much.
- Loid probably saved his life.
- At least both of her parents murderous thoughts were heartwarmingIt’s crazy but you’re right! Them standing up for her damn near had me cheering! Shit the part where Loid looks like he’s about to break that one guy….wow.
- Loid’s body moved before his mind could react. He’s a real hero.
- Yeah, I love how he looks like he was the most surprised out of all of them.
- His dad side is really starting to materialize.
- Soon he’ll be throwing out some dad jokes, oh god
- When Loid saw Anya crying and mentally reminded himself to be cool that brought me back to episode 1 when he said he hates seeing children crying. Man, this series really hits all the right spots.
- “If it’s your educational philosophy to disregard the feelings of children, then it looks like I’ve chosen the wrong school”
That is one of the coolest line I’ve ever seen in an anime. Seriously Loid is truly the best chichi.