



第3話 鉄骨娘

#3 あらすじ



  • 初登場だし彼女はちょっと変なのに、この態度がすでに気に入ってる(笑)
  • この強気で個性的な性格大好き。
  • 控えめに言って新鮮。
  • 野薔薇のためなら死ねる
    • 釘付け
  • 釘崎のデザインが好き。あのシャープな顔立ちが意地悪モードを引き立てるし、武器はピンクのハートがついたハンマーと釘。イカレた攻撃!好きになった。
  • 野薔薇の最後のシーンは驚異的だった。ビジュアル、アニメーション、サントラの組み合わせが、漫画で読むより20倍良くなってる。


  • ビル内を走るときの忍者みたいな小声や、野薔薇と口論して「なんで俺がモテないって知ってんの?!」と言うような、愛すべき単純な性格に加え、戦闘時はかっこいい技の連発。
    • 忍者の声に笑い死んで、巻き戻してもう一回見た。
  • 壁を突き破れた理由が「鉄筋コンクリートじゃなかったから」というのがお気に入り。
    • 自分の力が強すぎて、説明が意味不明というね。
  • メイン4人の相性が超自然で、出会ったばかりなのに何年も前から友達だったかのようだ。
  • 野薔薇と悠仁のいがみ合いが、もはや大好き。戦いの中で良い化学反応が起こりそうだし、この番組のコメディーは本当によくできてる。
  • 最初の2話でも笑っちゃう場面があったけど、今回はいくつもあった。タイミングがほんと上手い。
  • 東京観光で虎杖と釘崎の波長が合ったのが良かった。
  • 2人とも田舎出身の若者で、都会を見て興奮する。この気持ちはよくわかる。
    • あのシーンは可愛かった
    • 悠仁が野薔薇に「りっぱ寿司」の話をしたときの彼女の反応には爆笑した。
  • 今回、恵がずっと「なんで俺はここにいるんだ?」って顔してたような
  • 3人のぶっ飛んだバカに囲まれて、ブレーンが恵だけというのはかわいそうw
  • エンディング後も見逃すなよ!
  • じゅじゅさんぽのアニメ化が実現するなんて信じられないww
  • 求め得る最高の漫画適応
  • 『呪術校1年生の3名が現場に派遣され、1名死亡。』 エンディングが鳴り響き、ビートに乗る
  • 来週は誰かが死ぬけど、今日はとにかく踊ろう。
  1. Its been just one episode and she kinda weird, but I’m already loving the new girl’s attitude lol /apalapachya
  2. Love her headstrong and individualistic personality. /wearitdownxx
  3. It’s a refreshing one to say the least.
  4. I already would die for Nobara /CatroinerzNailed it /Cyborg_Sorachi
  5. I really love Kugisaki’s design. Those sharp features really adds a lot to her facial expressions especially when she’s in resting bitch face mode. Oh my god her weapon is a nail and hammer with a pink heart on it. You just made me love Kugisaki even more. What a crazy attack! /LeonKevlar
  6. My baby Nobara’s sequence at the end was phenomenal. The combination of visuals, animation and OST is making the early chapters 20x better than reading them. /dontloseyourway1610
  7. I’m liking Yuji more and more. The little ninja noises when he’s dashing around the cursed building, “how do you know I’m not popular??” arguing with Nobara over sushi…and on top of being endearingly simple-minded, he keeps whipping out really cool moves when he’s fighting.
  8. The ninja noises were killing me, I had to rewind and watch it again /Tanzan57
  9. I like how his defence of being able to punch through the wall was “It wasn’t reinforced concrete” /Chaos4139
    1. When you’re just too strong that your explanations makes no sense. /Silent_Shadow05
  10. Man the chemistry between the main 4 feels so damn natural, they only just met yet it genuinely feels like they’ve been friends for years. /silentstealth1
  11. I already love Nobara and her bickering dynamic with Yuji. I can already see some great chemistry in battle between them. Also the comedy aspect of the show is executed really well ngl. /Garlicbread10
  12. Yup! During the first two episodes, there were some moments where I chuckled but damn this episode has some lol moments. It was timed really well. /ILoveEmiliaAndRem
  13. I liked how Itadori and Kugisaki were on the same wavelength for the Tokyo trip. /Alieos
  14. Well both are from countryside and youngsters like them would be excited to see a big city. I know this feeling very well since I was kinda in a similar situation once. /Silent_Shadow05
    1. That scene was cute af! /Kromage911
    2. When Yuji told her about Splendid Sushi, her reaction made me laugh really loud. /justsyr
  15. All throughout the episode I felt like Megumi was showing only one expression: “Why the fuck am I here” /Silent_Shadow05
  16. I feel bad for megumi being the only one with brain with these 3 crackhead /Sure_Door5628
  17. Don’t miss the post-credits scene! /sleepygirl025
  18. I can’t believe they actually put Juju Stroll in the anime lmao. /brokenSmeargle
  19. Best manga adaptation we could ask for
  20. “Three Jujutsu First-Year Sorcerers were sent to the scene. and one died.” ED BLARES WE GROOVIN
  21. Next week someone will die, but today let’s just dance. /Alieos
  22. LOST IN PARADISE! /TooSpookyWither



