

第20話 規格外

#20 あらすじ




  • 自称IQ53万(笑)おK
  • 幻想の世界で高田ちゃんとおしゃべりしている0.01秒間であの攻撃を分析していたってのがいいね、IQに嘘はなかったようだ。
  • 悠仁の強さを示すために、ナナミンの黒閃4回連続記録をインタビュー。
  • 悠仁が少年漫画の主人公なんだと実感した。
  • ナナミン会いたかったよ!
  • ちょ、東堂の技名「ブギウギ」てw
  • すべてが陽気な戯れだった。五条がカラーホイールを持ち出すまでは。
    • 五条があなたを殺しながら色彩理論を説明する
    • そして赤と青の力で私は作る…ム ラ サ キ
  • 五条はほんとヤバい。あの紫の技は狂気。
  • 五条の目は何なのマジで。美しいと同時に恐ろしい。
  • MAPPAは「全てのカットで五条を綺麗に」という任務に全力で取り組んだ。あんなに美しく、あんなに権力を持つ男はいない。
  • 五条のようにハンサムになりたい。彼のチカラなんてどうでもいいんだ。死ぬほどゴージャスで、男として素直に憧れる。
  • 神様、私はこの番組が大好きです
  • やばい、サウンドトラックが素晴らしかった。特に五条が攻撃を発動したとき
  • サントラがリリースされるまで待ちきれない。素晴らしい曲の数々がフルで聴けるようになるのが楽しみ。
  1. Self-proclaimed iq 530,000. Lol ok.
  2. I love the fact that it seems he wasn’t lying about his IQ and that he analyzed that attack in 0.01 seconds while he was chatting with Takada-chan in his phantasy world.
  3. Just to show how strong Yuuji is now they made a point by showing us an interview of Nanamin saying he was able to do 4 consecutive Black Flashes, while showing us that Yuuji can literally do the same!
  4. I was skeptical at first, but then I realized Yuji is a shounen protagonist
  5. Nanamin I’ve missed you!
  6. Wait, Todou’s cursed technique is seriously called “Boogie Woogie”? LMAO
  7. it’s all fun and games until Gojo brings out his Color Wheel.
    1. gojo explains colour theory while killing you
    2. And with the power of red and blue I can make…P U R P L E
  8. Gojo is such a sick character. His purple technique was insane.
  9. Gojo’s eyes are really something. Its both beautiful and terrifying at the same time.
  10. The “let’s make Gojou as pretty as possible in every single shot”-task force at Mappa Studios was putting in all the work this episode. No man should be allowed to have that much power while being that freaking beautiful.
  11. I wish I could be as handsome as he is. I dont give two shits about his power, that dudes drop dead gorgeous and a straight up man crush for me.
  12. God I love this show!
  13. omg the soundtrack was amazing, especially as gojou activated his attack
  14. Soundtrack it Lit. I cannot wait until it is fully released and I can listen to all of the awesome songs. They’re just so hype!



