第11話 固陋蠢愚
#11 あらすじ
- Seeing Itadori and Junpei bond over movies was really endearing. I hope they develop a strong friendship going forward
- WILSON WILSONNN” lmao I love that the references just don’t stop coming and theyre not always anime related
- The fish in the opening makes a lot more sense now considering what Junpei’s mom was telling him this episode.
- About how school is a little aquarium and he’s a fish and should explore bigger aquariums. I guess the fish in the OP that swims up to Yuuji is Junpei?
- So which one of you guys forgot to tell the author that you aren’t supposed to kill the hot milf character in the very episode she’s introduced?
- That’s on me team, I forgot
- I’m disappointed in you
- Such wasted potential YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE, Garlicbread10 to bring garlic to the bread
- Someone find his address
- I’m disappointed in you
- I wasn’t really expecting her to die 🙁
- Why must the most chill and most adorable moms always have to go first?
- Lol what on earth was that juju stroll??
- I like how we went from the breakdown of a bullied kid after his lovely mother got horifically killed by a creepy monster to Harvest Moon time within minutes.
- nobara saying “next episode” is too funny.
- was that… a juju stroll? i’m very confused
- Yes it was, lol. A fake preview.
- Jujutsu dash