






Eテレ 毎週土曜 午後5時35分~


  • シーズン1が終わってからこの章にとても期待していたけど、待った甲斐があった。
  • アニメを1年待った甲斐があった。
  • 漫画の読者たちがチャライルマのことを以前から高く評価していて、まさにその通りだった。このエピソードでの彼のカッコよさには私も魅了された。
  • 悪周期の入間はかっこ良すぎる。サリバンに言ったことを考えると、もっと意地悪な奴だと思ってたのに。
  1. I’m so excited for this arc since season 1 ended and its totally worth the wait. /WoLofDarkness
  2. This was so worth waiting a year for this to get animated. /Kaitonic
  3. Manga readers were hyping up Chad Iruma for awhile and they were absolutely right. Even I was absolutely mesmerized by how freaking COOL he was this episode. /timedragon1
  4. Evil Cycle Iruma is just too damn cool. Although I expected him to be way meaner than he is given what he said to Sullivan. /Zemahem


  • ちょっと待って、悪入間は悪じゃない、めちゃくちゃかっこいい。あれでアブノーマルクラスのリーダーになったというのがいいね。
  • クララに頭ポンポンしたり、女の子に手を振ってウットリさせたり、特に英子は完全に心を奪われていたし、クララに寒いから膝の上に座れと言ったり?
  • 入間×クララに未来があるとは思ってなかったけど、このエピソードで考えが変わりました。かわいかったです。
  • 入間がみんなに嫌われるのではないかと少し心配したけど、彼は以前と変わらず素晴らしい人です。
  • 神様、私はワルイルマのすべてを愛しています。
  1. Wait a second, Evil Iruma is not evil, he is just fucking cool. I love the fact that that was all it took for him to become the leader of the Misfit Class I love how casually he asked Clara to become a warmer for him./Amauri14
  2. Headpatting Clara, waving at girls and making them swoon especially Eiko who absolutely lost her mind, and calling on Clara to sit on his lap because it’s cold? This isn’t Evil Iruma! This is Chad Iruma! Holy shit! /LeonKevlar
  3. Never have I thought that there was a future for Iruma x Clara but this episode has changed my mind. It was cute af. /ImKnott
  4. I was a bit worried he would just turn into a dick to everyone, but he’s definitely still as great as he always has been. /timedragon1
  5. God, I love everything about Irumean. /littlebro15



  • この入間は「悪」いはずなのに、実際にはかなり我慢していて、他のメンバーに迷惑をかけていないのがいいね。
  • サリバンに頼みごとをするのではなく、合法的に手に入れようとするところが好きだな。カルエゴ先生との対決は最高だったね。
  • 入間の悪周期が、彼を完全なアホにしてしまわないのは嬉しい驚きだね。
  • ぶつかってきた男を燃やせとアリスに命令することもできたはずなのに、入間はそれを無視し、陰で悪口を言っている人に最高の対応をした。
  1. I love how even though this Iruma is supposed to be “evil” he actually holds back A LOT and makes no problems for the rest. When Kalego sensei threatened i totally thought Iruma would summon him as his pet to get back at him. /CordobezEverdeen
  2. I love the fact that instead of asking Sullivan for a favor, he instead will try to get it legally, as the other way will only be temporary anyway. That confrontation with Kalego- sensei was so awesome. /Amauri14
  3. It is indeed a pleasant surprise that Iruma’s Evil Cycle doesn’t just turn him into a complete asshole. He’s definitely way less polite, but even to people talking smack, he never goes farther than just snarking back. /Zemahem
  4. He could’ve also commanded Alice to incinerate that dude that bumped into him but instead he brushes it off and gives the absolutely best response to someone who’s shit talking him behind his back. Heck, he could’ve humiliated Kalego-sensei and summoned him as a familiar on the spot during the negotiations but he didn’t! Deep down, he’s still the same Iruma, kind and caring except this time he’s much more assertive and knows what he wants and I absolutely love it! I can’t wait to see what he has plans to get the Royal One classroom and I can’t wait for Char Iruma to bump into Ameri! /LeonKevlar





  • 絶対的に天才的なコメディーとライティングだね。もっと多くの人がこの番組を見るべきだと思う
  • ストーリーは一見、ふわふわとした健全なものに見えるかもしれない。でもその文章は、シリアスで骨太な物語と競争できるくらい、非常によくできているんだ!
  • 入間の最後のスピーチは本当に素晴らしかった。アメリを支持していないという話になるかと思いきや、「何に投票したかに関わらず、このゴールを目指す理由がある」という内容に一転していた。来週が待ち遠しいね。
  1. Shits absolute genius comedy and writing. More people should really be watching this show tbh /akoba15
  2. The story may seem fluffly and wholesome. But the writing is so well done that it can compete with serious and gritty stories! /MadDany9
  3. His entire speech at the end was absolutely fantastic. I was worried it was going to be something about how they didn’t support Ameri, but he turned it around completely to show that regardless of what they voted for, there’s a reason for them to pursue this goal. Man I can’t wait for next week. /the_swizzler


