
- I love that Alicred tries to back out of absorbing all that Mana but after a few sweet words from Iruma he’s all ready to go. And what an awesome scene that was! I love the animation especially the impact frames during that entire scene. /LeonKevlar
- I LOVE Miki Shinichiro as Ali-san. God I’ve missed his voice. Urahara & Roy Mustang were two of my favorite characters. And he’s still so good! He makes Ali so entertaining every time he pops up./namaewithak
- Shinichiro Miki is my absolute favorite VA, my favorite role of his is Randy from the Trails/Kiseki series. He can go from dumb-gag character to ultra-serious badass on a single character and it’s always awesome. /KarimElsayad247
- I love having Shinichiro Miki and Junichi Suwabe /Frontier246
- Yes, Junichi Suwabe! I totally forgot to mention him. Smoothest voice in the business. We don’t see Baal enough.
- The Six Fingers have the stupidest looking uniform of any villain group I’ve ever seen. God they look so dumb. /namaewithak
- Was that half of a jacket? /Dual_A2Half a trench coat. It’s even dumber /dagreenman18
- they had to get uniforms but could only afford 3
- It’s dumb, but on the other hand it’s also what made them “unique” lol. /darthvall
- The symbolism is fine. It still looks stupid.
- I absolutely love Legendaddy! He’s basically just Romiere except with a glorious and very suave mustache! And of course someone like him would be close to Sullivan.I love that Ronove’s father is basically just him with short hair and a mustache. That just means that he’d look good with facial hair as well. /Zemahem
- It sounds fun to be a Ronove VA. Just RO RO RO RO is fun to do./NotLink
- It was hilarious seeing Opera catching Sullivan’s tears with a bucket. /Amauri14
- Clara inside the chocolate fountain was so hilarious xDxDxDClara always going to be Clara, just like Ameri is always going to be beautiful. /Frontier246
- And just when I thought it was going to get ruined with Alice and Clara barging in, Iruma agrees with Ameri that they indeed should go on a trip! This show subverts expectations in the best way possibe. Season 3 or we riot./Zealroth
- Welp it’s official, if Ameri doesn’t win at the end I call bullshit. /sodapopkevin
- Even us diehard Clara/Iruma shippers have to admit we’re now fighting a losing battle.(^_^;)
- Also, Iruma knocked Ameri out with just a few words. He’s that much more powerful than the magical beast she fought. /Zemahem
- Seriously, just get fucking married already you two. /DaLoverBoii
- I love how they panned out the shot and you could see he barely made it chest level to Ameri while standing on something./Frontier246
- Iruma is so damn short, he was on a stepping plate and still looked like a grade schooler /Casual_WatcherOr maybe the demons are all so tall I mean look at Sabro, Amelie is supposed to be 190cm and yet she still looks like a child compare to him. /PopSodaFrequency
- Big pink moon, small blue moon. Big demon wearing a pink dress, small human wearing a blue coat.
- Just realized the moons represent them, One is larger and red. The other one is smaller and blue /rhyrhygogo
- The visual gag/imagery in Iruma has really great timing. /kingguy459
- This series has some great little details. Have you noticed how most demon clothing has two long slits in the back for wings? /Galle_
- whos that 13th phantom member aaah i keep wondering …also the fact he is 13th number there seems awful sus /Dare555You’ll have to wait til next season, if we get one. Hopefully we will. /CelticMutt
- Named Puson Soi, he was introduced with the rest of the class but nothing was seen of him sense. He still appears in the background like during End of Term exams. /KarimElsayad247
- So much effort is put into this show. Like seriously. If you read the manga you can really tell that they’re giving their 110% into the anime. So there is a very good chance we gona get an announcement for S3 after or before the finale! /MadDany94
- I’m so happy they included the extra of Kalego bringing food to Balam so they can eat together./namaewithak
- The Sukima was great. Tsundere Kalego is best Kalego. Sukima adds so much to the characters, I love it. /jackofslayers
- Me too, under that stern exterior Kalego is such a great guy. /Figerally