- Ameri is really freakin cute stamping those paperworks!/CATDIAMMA
- Also, Ameri slowly stamping papers gives me life./kdebones
- I’m dying from moe. Help./ThisGachaSeemsLegit
- Dainty Ameri is just too precious! Just look at her stamping those documents so happily! I want to give her a head pat and tell her she’s doing a good job!/LeonKevlar
- Pretty much the exact problem the rest of the council has. She’s going too slow, but is too precious to not encourage./
- I’m ashamed that it took me this long to realise Ameri is voiced by Hayami Saori! I mean, otome Ameri is just Hayamin doing her usual role lol./darthvall
- Ronove was done perfect. /JzanderN
- That musical lol/NotMaron2
- I had to pause halfway through this episode from laughing too hard. I thought the Clara Family intro couldn’t be topped but here we are /DietrichDoesDamage
- I thought I was crazy when I had to stop the episode a bit to regain my composure, dude was so extra it almost made me choke of laughter. /Lord_Webotama
- Ronove has been adapted to motion and sound perfectly./Backupusername
- You will remember him during your sleep./MiiJack
- I absolutely love it. Much like the Clara musicals, this was anime original but it absolutely fits. I now consider it canon that Ronove introduces himself through song because he absolutely would.
- Ronove appearing had me go from “this guy is a major villain” to “this guy is absolutely useless and I love him” in about .01 seconds. He’s able to give Clara a run for her money in terms of sheer energy and I love it./CRtwenty
- I laughed when crunchyroll translation use different font size to translate his echoing voice. /darthvall
- Ronove’s so charismatic even the guy doing subtitles for him on Crunchyroll had to add some flair./Backupusername
- Ranove Ranove… ^^Ranove…
- he is THAT EXTRA extra extra
- Goddamn they did Ronove justice, he is just the perfect amount of stupid, arrogant, and funny. The VA’s also absolutely wonderful in the role. /kdebones
- Tatsuhisa Suzuki’s casting was completely perfect for this character
- Ranove is annoying as fuck but he’s hilarious enough that he doesn’t bother me at all. While Ranove is definitely taking advantage of Ameri’s weakness right now, he’s probably not the culprit. /LeonKevlar
- In awe of this absolute charisma unit /Fenr-i-r
- It’s less than 2 minutes but that Clara scene in the gaming battler is so funny lol. Rather than being helpful, she’s just playing as she like and even took a nap at that./darthvall
- Great episode! So many laugh and great comedy in this one./darthvall
- I adore this episode so much/DietrichDoesDamage
-PR- アノ人の本音が判る